Millions of blog posts and articles are written every day. It would be a full time job to keep up with everything that’s published online. So how do you know what to read?
There’s plenty of junk to sort through, but there’s also some high quality job focused articles out there that you need to read. Luckily, JobMonkey is focused on this cool niche. We always get excited when we stumble upon a new job related post that we can share with you.
Here are a handful of cool posts and blogs that you need to add to your weekly reading list:
- Should You Become Your Boss’s Facebook Friend – @ CareerAddict – In the world of social media, this is definitely something to consider. If you ignore a friend request you might be considered rude. If you accept it, your boss will see everything that you do. What are you going to do?
- 5 Career Myths That Will Ruin Your Life – @HerAgenda – There are plenty of job myths out there, but which ones will set you up for failure?
- When Is Drug Screening Allowed? – @HRDailyAdvisor – Did your employer ask you to take a drug test? Here’s what you need to know.
- 444 Most Popular Job Interviewer Questions To Prepare Yourself With – @JobMob – If you want the job, you need to be ready to crush the job interview. Start your job interview prep by reviewing these popular interview questions.
- The Road To Riches: How To Earn Six Figures In Truck Driving – @AllTruckJobs – The world relies on the trucking industry, but did you know that truck drivers can also make big bucks too? Find out more here.
- CV vs. Resume: What’s the Difference? – @Career Squared – When you’re searching for jobs in the cool and seasonal job niche, you’ll see the terms CV and resume all the time. Do you know what the difference is between the two?
Add these posts to your weekly reading list. Bookmark the blogs and check back regularly for more interesting content.
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