Online Teaching and Tutoring Jobs
Teaching from home can include a large spectrum of different forms of education. People who tutor from home often offer piano lessons or instruction on other musical instruments. Subjects in school such as math, reading and foreign language also fall under the category of tutoring.
Traditionally, these lessons are offered after-school or in the home, between teachers and students who are face to face. Now however, there is a new form of teaching that is growing in popularity, which involves learning online. Students can access lessons on a variety of subjects through information online. Because of the increase in popularity of education accessible online there is an increase in the demand for teachers who can facilitate these online lessons.
Teaching online is somewhat of a dream scenario. Educators are able to provide information to students without ever having to leave the home. They assign homework, provide lesson plans and answer questions all from the comforts of home.
NOTE – Be sure to carefully consider the online tutoring information also in this section.
Who Hires Online Teachers?
Online teachers are hired from a variety of sources. Typically these jobs can be found by traditional colleges, online schools, tutoring companies and through nonprofit or adult educational companies. The different types of online teaching jobs vary extensively.
Traditional Universities
For traditional universities, schools are making a change toward offering certain classes online. This is happening for several reasons but the fact remains that teachers are needed to run and facilitate these classes. If you are interested in teaching an online course it is more likely you will find work if you have previous teaching experience, especially at a higher level. This isn’t always the case, but most online teachers for universities are on university payroll and are required to already be a teacher or an expert in their field.
Online Colleges
Online colleges offer programs other than the traditional courses offered by universities. Online colleges still need professors and educators to provide information online, but also offer a special opportunity for people who specialize in a skill or profession. For people who have never had any formal teaching experience such as: retired business owners, music professionals, authors and designers for example, online colleges provide certification in areas such as these. If you are an expert in your field teaching for an online college that provides certification might represent a viable job opportunity for you.
Tutoring Companies
Tutoring companies offer all sorts of jobs for people who want to teach online. For students who have excellent grades and are excelling in certain subjects, tutoring companies will hire them to mentor and tutor their peers. Retired school teachers or other experienced educators can also be hired if they express sufficient prowess in a certain subject. Tutoring companies offer help and advice on a variety of subjects and as such represent possible employment for those who want to teach or tutor online.