Work Abroad Introduction
You’re sitting in a cubicle, waiting for the clock to reach 5 o’clock. Or maybe you’re chopping fifty pounds of potatoes, or grading a massive pile of homework assignments.
Perhaps you’re pouring tequila shots with both hands, or maybe, just maybe, you’re leading a bewildered tour group through a city’s bustling streets.

So… what makes these experiences more than just another day’s work?
Their location. You’re not just working. You’re working abroad. The differences are immense. When you work abroad you’re more than just paying the bills. The experience provides an intense, immersive means to participate in another culture and live your life outside your comfort zone. Instead of scratching the surface of a new nation, you will dig deep and explore its every detail. The learning curve is steep. Throughout your time abroad, you will absorb the intricacies of other people, other languages, other lands, other cultures, and most of all yourself. Whether you are volunteering abroad, taking an international internship, teaching English overseas, or simply make enough cash to keep on traveling, your experience will be rich, challenging, and like no other.
In fact, the real and biggest challenges begin right at home!
Your work abroad options are as abundant as your optimism, and the process can initially seem somewhat overwhelming. Let JobMonkey’s guide to working abroad introduce the possibilities. We lay it on the table with tips and trade secrets for every aspect of life abroad: types of programs, advice on travel, realistic expectations, and all you need to know to succeed as an expat. Our comprehensive list of work abroad programs and our interview section provide plenty of resources for your researching pleasure, and our working abroad links page covers any last details that we couldn’t squeeze in. So what are you waiting for? Your international work abroad experience starts now.
There are almost no limits on where you can work abroad if you are determined enough.
Getting Settled Abroad
Making sure you are settled in a safe and comfortable area is key when working abroad overseas.
Working Abroad
Working abroad can be a fulfilling experience you will remember for years to come.