Taking a CDL Practice Test
When you’re planning on having a career as a driver of commercial vehicles such as tractor trailer combinations, delivery trucks or pick up and delivery vans, the first thing you’re going to need is your Commercial Driver’s License or CDL.
You start this process by getting your CDL instruction permit by studying for the CDL test and taking a written test at your local DMV. Once you have this CDL instruction permit you can look into the many trucking schools and academies that train regular drivers to become professional Commercial Drivers. Many of the transportation companies that you may want to drive for have their own training schools in-house that take care of the training of their own drivers. In most cases, this training is at no cost to you – provided you agree to work for that company as a driver upon graduating from the training program. The period of work required to pay off the cost of training can be anywhere from one year to three, depending on the overall cost of the training course. This is a very appealing way for many new drivers to not only get the specialized training they’ll need to drive for transportation companies but also to have a job waiting for them upon graduating from the course.
But you don’t have to go through all of that just to find out if you could pass the CDL written test. There are many web sites that have CDL practice tests that you can either download and take on your own or complete right on the Internet. Some of the sites offer these tests for free while others charge for either the test questions or for you to find out what your score was. Either way, this makes it much easier for you to study for the CDL test and be better prepared for taking the actual test and getting your Commercial Driver License much quicker and with a higher overall score. In many cases, having a higher score on your CDL may actually help you to get a better driving job, so this sort of pre-test can be very beneficial to you. Think of this as your first step to finding out if you have what it takes to pass the CDL written testing.
The following links are listed to allow you to make your own decision as to whether you want to take the free tests on your own or pay a little more money and have someone walk you through the process.