Getting Hired as a Ski Tour Guide
So how do you pluck one of these fun jobs? Talk it up around the resort. Ask anyone in an official jacket which guide services operate on the mountain. In Whistler, there are several local guiding enterprises in addition to the tour companies and Ski Esprit.
Find out if large travel planners bring groups to the resort – there’s a good chance they require a local guide service.

Each applicant at Whistler goes through a three-day course; one day on each mountain with experienced instructors and one day in class. They study avalanche safety, accident scenarios, all-around mountain safety, and information about the valley – its history and development as a resort. Perhaps most importantly, they’re taught how to present themselves professionally.
There are hundreds of adventure tour operators listed on the Internet.
— View Ski Resort Job Postings —
Moguls is a member of SKITOPS, the Ski Tour Operators Association. It can be reached at the following address:
P.O. Box 191981
Sacramento, CA 95819
Travel agents are another good source of travel wholesalers.