BLM (Bureau of Land Management) Job Application Process
Located almost entirely in the West, the Bureau of Land Management properties are a conglomeration of trails, acreage, sections of rivers, refuges, and wilderness areas. Unlike Forest Service or Park Service lands, most BLM parcels don’t have their own offices. Instead, management of BLM land – including hiring for seasonal positions – is done through state offices. For this reason we have provided the phone numbers and addresses for BLM state offices and not the sites themselves (since many of them have no address or employees). The Eastern State Office has jurisdiction over all thirty-one states east of the Mississippi, but BLM property in that half of the country only amounts to sparse plots of land. Seasonal opportunities east of the Mississippi are limited to positions at three BLM district offices: Jackson, Mississippi; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; and Springfield, Virginia.

For dates, location, and availability of seasonal jobs with the BLM, contact the state office for the region in which you would like to work. Hiring is conducted in one of two ways, depending on which state you apply in. In some states, district offices conduct their own hiring and application process, while in others, hiring is done in cooperation with state employment offices.
Learn about BLM volunteer jobs in this worker interview.
State Offices
Alaska State Office
Bureau of Land Management
222 W 7th Avenue, Suite 13
Anchorage, AK 99513-7599
(907) 271-5960
Arizona State Office
Bureau of Land Management
P.O. Box 16563
Phoenix, AZ 85011
(602) 650-0550
California State Office
Bureau of Land Management
Federal Building
2800 Cottage Way, E-2845
Sacramento, CA 95825-1889
(916) 979-2900
Colorado State Office
Bureau of Land Management
2850 Youngfield Street
Lakewood, CO 80215-3900
(303) 239-3935
Eastern State Office
Bureau of Land Management
7450 Boston Boulevard
Springfield, VA 22153
(703) 440-1500
(Manages BLM lands in Virginia, Wisconsin, and Mississippi)
Idaho State Office
Bureau of Land Management
3380 Americana Terrace
Boise, ID 83706-2500
(208) 384-3000
Montana State Office
Bureau of Land Management
222 N 32nd Street
P.O. Box 36800
Billings, MT 59107-6800
(406) 255-2782
Nevada State Office
Bureau of Land Management
P.O. Box 12000
Reno, NV 89520-0006
(775) 861-6400
New Mexico State Office
Bureau of Land Management
P.O. Box 27115
Santa Fe, NM 87502-0115
(505) 438-7400
Oregon State Office
Bureau of Land Management
P.O. Box 2965
Portland, OR 97208-2965
(503) 952-6235
(Also manages BLM lands in Washington)
Utah State Office
Bureau of Land Management
P.O. Box 45155
Salt Lake City, UT 84145-0155
(801) 539-4185
Wyoming State Office
Bureau of Land Management
2515 Warren Avenue
Cheyenne, WY 82001
(307) 775-6034
National Office
Bureau of Land Management
1620 L Street NW
Room 302
Washington, DC 22040
(202) 452-5120