Applying for Jobs with the Fish and Wildlife Service
People applying for seasonal jobs with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service should first contact the regional office in the area where they would like to work, because different regions follow different hiring procedures.
Some regional offices process seasonal applications, while others send them on to local field stations that handle their own seasonal hiring.
Summer job information is also accessible from the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, which has offices all over the country.
The best time to apply for Fish and Wildlife Service seasonal jobs is between January 1 and April 15.

Some regions post openings whenever they are available, any time of year, while others accept applications only between the above dates. Region 7 (Alaska) accepts applications only between January 1 and January 22, so be sure to contact that region early. Seasonal jobs begin as early as April and run as late as October. Other openings continue into the winter, so be as flexible as possible regarding your availability.
You will be assigned as you are needed, so although you should mention your areas of interest, avoid requesting a specific project. Do not, for example, request a job working with sea otters, or you might be passed over for all other available jobs.
Finally, keep in mind that the Fish and Wildlife Service has relatively few summer job openings, so competition is especially intense for these jobs. Whether you’re eager for some experience or you simply want to get your foot in the door, consider volunteering. Volunteers should either contact the Fish and Wildlife Service directly, as described in the volunteering chapter, or seek placement through the Student Conservation Association, also described in the chapter on volunteering.