Traveling by Bus and Train
You may also opt for travel by bus or train. Either mode of transportation gives travelers the opportunity to see the countryside and meet other people without having to constantly watch the road.
It’s possible to go virtually anywhere in the United States aboard Amtrak, and many of the journeys are quite scenic. For more information call (800) 872-7245. Make sure to ask for details about Amtrak’s All Aboard and Excursion Fares. Also ask the reservations agent to send you a “Travel Planner” that describes the trains, their routes, and includes other pertinent information. Get your ticket early. For June travel you might have to book six months in advance. Train fares vary and are usually comparable to airfares.
Greyhound is usually the cheapest way to travel by bus and still gives you a chance to meet others, sight see, and relax. Greyhound periodically offers fare specials as well as fourteen-day advance purchase discounts.