Applying for State Park Jobs
Applying for a state job is almost always a less bureaucratic process than applying for a federal job. You’ll likely still have to fill out an official application with the state agency, but you probably won’t spend hours filling out paperwork, rating each skill you have, and accounting for how you learned them.

For each state we’ve listed all the public agencies offering seasonal outdoor employment opportunities. We’ve also provided an overview of that state’s outdoor employment scenario, which will help you choose a state whose hiring needs most closely match your skills and interests.
Another thing to keep in mind is the type of labor that various states need performed. Consider the geography and natural resources of a particular state when deciding whether to pursue a job there. This is where the state outdoor employment overviews come in handy. Here you’ll find an overview of the general outdoor labor needs of each state, including a breakdown of the outdoor opportunities by department, a glimpse at the lay of the land, and the types of industries that are prevalent there, which typically have a corresponding labor need.
Application instructions vary for each agency and for each type of position, so be sure to consult the JobMonkey Job Center database for details on how to apply.