Petroleum Pump System Operators
General Job Description
While oil is being refined, it is essential to monitor and control the process so as not to lose efficiency by adding to much petroleum, or too little, for any given process. The Petroleum Pump System Operators are responsible for controlling the overall operations involved in petroleum refining and processing, which extends to regulating the flow of oil into pipelines. In order to effectively control the flow of oil through pipelines, the petroleum pump systems operators must be able to utilize knowledge of system interconnections and capacities in order to properly plan product movement through pipelines that transport the raw material into processing, storage or shipping. While this process is happening, operators must also be able to read, understand and report instrument readings. The position also requires competence with operating data and lab analysis reports in order to fully synchronize actions with other pump houses. This knowledge helps ensure a low contamination rate while also ensuring a steady flow of product. Supplemental or secondary responsibilities of the job include coordinating shutdowns in case of contamination or checking a product’s quality and grade, which involves using centrifugal testers to assess bottom sediment and water within samples of oil.

Petroleum Pump System Operators must be able to start pumps and observe pressure meters and flowmeters to ensure that the proper flow is maintained.
Job Skills and Education
Pump system operators must be physically able to handle, install and position equipment while at the same time possessing the ability to process relevant information from several sources. Equipment inspection to locate errors or problems is also an essential job function.
The job requires high mechanical aptitude and strong mathematical skill including knowledge and application of algebra, geometry, calculus, statistics and basic arithmetic. It is also essential that pump systems operators possess strong communication skills to relay important information to supervisors, colleagues and subordinates such as signaling other workers to operate pumps, open and close valves, and check temperatures. It is also crucial for the pump system operator to possess the ability to read and comprehend detailed technical reports. Excellent vision is also a plus for this position and the job requires an above average ability to focus.
The educational background for a quality candidate includes a high school diploma and probably one to two years of vocational training or equivalent on-the-site experience. According to the US Department of labor, 57.6% of Petroleum Pump System Operators have a high school diploma or less, which 37.5% have some college education and 4.9% have at least a bachelor’s degree.
Job Wage
The average wage for a Petroleum Pump Systems Operator is roughly $27.00 per hour, which translates to $56,000 on an annual basis. The entry level employee earnings was $20.00-22.00 per hour. Experienced employees earned around $27.00-30.00 an hour.