Ramp Model Jobs
Once you have found the best agent and have been accepted, you will have to decide what type of modeling you are good at and this will largely be up to your agent to decide. If you are tall and slender enough, you will be perfect for ramp modeling or catwalk modeling. Height is a main issue and this is not to discriminate against the vertically challenged, but many designers prefer taller models because of the way the clothes hang. It gives the clothes a better, cleaner line and tall people can carry any style beautifully.

Your height should be about 5.7 feet or over if you are female and the men are asked to be around 6 foot. If you are going to do ramp modeling, you will also have to make sure that your weight is constant and you will be required to be of a certain size. You do not have to be skinny, but rather have a good, healthy figure.
Most models have fallen into the trap of becoming too skinny and in fact some become anorexic. This is why, the newer models have been forced to go onto strict exercise and eating routines that maintain a healthy weight and they are even fined if they get too thin.
As a ramp model you will be seen in public more often that other models and you need to bring across a sense of health and beauty. You need to look regal and sexy and get used to quick clothing changes behind the curtain as well as makeup and hair changes. You will need to be able to walk on any surface, in high heels most of the time, and not fall. Your walking section of the course might change from time to time depending on the changes in the industry. You must be adaptable and comfortable with being in the limelight, walking out in front of an audience and remaining calm while dozens of cameras go off.
This can be a tough business and will also require you to fly overseas on occasion for various fashion shows. This is one of the stepping stones in your career as a ramp model and will give you the exposure you need to make it into the international modeling scene. If you have a very good agent, they will make sure that your flights and accommodation are taken care of and you must not be shy to request your mother or another guardian to go with you if you are under the age of 18 years.
Ramp modeling comes with advantages and disadvantages like any part of the business, and you will have to see if ramp modeling is really the career for you. You will be needed to attend rehearsals and fittings and some of the time these can involve very long hours. It is not uncommon to have days run longer than 12 hours. You must be aware of getting changed in places that are not very private and in front of dressers, make up artist, and hair people. You will not always get your own private changing area. It would be irresponsible to not mention the drugs that are associated with modeling, especially with ramp work. Many models in the public eye have been in rehab and this is not just a coincidence. There is a drug problem that finds its way into the modeling world and you will need to be very vigilant and disciplined if you don’t want to get caught up in it. Reporting any of this behavior to your agent can also help and you can request to leave your current modeling assignment if you feel that you are being pushed into taking drugs.