How to Open Your Own Modeling Agency
If you have been a model for a few years and have worked in a fair amount of shoots, runway shows, and the like, you might want to put your roots into your life a little bit more and settle down. The best way to do this after being a model and traveling around is to do what you know best. Become a modeling agent and open your own agency.

Who better to take on new model hopefuls than someone who has already been there and done that, and who will be a reliable and trustworthy agent? Starting an agency is not as simple as it sounds though and before you even open your doors you will have to make sure that everything is in place and ready for business. Reputation and word of mouth are the most powerful aspects of the modeling world and if you start off on a bad note, you might never make it.
As a model or former model, you should think about the things that you would look for in an agency and what troubles young girls and guys face when they are looking for a modeling agent. These ideas can be formulated into a real working business plan. To succeed, however, in the dog eat dog world of modeling, you will also need to become business savvy. Taking a course in business management will go a long way towards helping you achieve the financial, business, and industry goals that you are aiming for.
If you are not a model or have never been a model, but love the world of fashion and beauty, then becoming a modeling agent is also well within your grasp. To learn more, the best place to start would be at another modeling agency. You can learn the ropes, the do’s, the don’ts and all the nitty gritty before you open your own agency. This is not to say that you will be spying, but rather learning and in this business, the only way to learn is by doing.
Model or entrepreneur, you will have to have some kind of aspirations for your business and this should be the focal point for what you want your business to stand for. If you aspire to make it the best international modeling agency, then you should start off thinking about overseas contacts you can make and contracts you can secure. You will need to market yourself as an international modeling agency from the very beginning. Employ people who speak different languages and learn more about each country and the people there that you want to offer modeling contracts to.
If you want to focus mainly on the film shoots and television commercial side of things, you must also readjust your marketing and offer exclusive exposure to models that are also good at acting, or who want to branch out into acting later on in their careers.Each part of the business, gives you a new aspect and a unique challenge to work on, so before you think about opening a modeling agency, consider all the finer points.
Once you have ironed out all the details, it remains for you to start on your business venture. Now, any business needs funds to start and opening a modeling agency will require you to have a budget for your premises, marketing, decor and design, employees, phone lines and more. You cannot hope to attract models and casting directors if you are working in a dingy apartment block somewhere with no furniture and a mobile phone as you primary source of contact.
Make sure you do everything right the first time, because there will be no second chances. Once you have your finances sorted out, you will need to find a suitable location for your offices. It should be somewhere up market and trendy. Think about what it will look like to potential models. You will need to hire expert employees for various jobs like marketing, in house photography, bookings, reception and model trainers.
This will lead you to your next step of setting up your office with the best furniture and equipment so that your business can run smoothly. Choose decor that lends itself to the business you are involved in. People who want to join your agency, can be given a registration form to fill out when they arrive at your offices which will ask details about their age, height, weight, and anything else that you want to know, before they see you.
Another tip for opening your own agency is to market it very well before you open and invite various model potentials to join you in a number of ways. One of the most popular and effective ways of finding models, is to scout in local malls and centers. You can hand out business cards, arrange to set up a table for inquiries and for people to take registration forms, or you can even host a talent contest / fashion show for models. This will require the services of an event manager to organize the show. You can ask local stores to sponsor items of clothing for the fashion show which will give your model contestants something to wear and offer promotion to the stores at the same time.
There are lots of other ways to promote your modeling agency which will take a bit longer to give you results, but are most necessary. This can include listing it on hundreds of websites (modeling agency portals are highly effective for photographers, designers and advertising agencies to notice you), posting in job sections of the newspaper and classifieds, and listing it directly with the top casting directors and fashion houses where you will receive all your model requests and shoot details from. Promotion and branding are necessary to give off the right image to your clients as well as your database of models.
Having a professional modeling database is of top priority when opening a modeling agency, because without them you will not land any of the top portfolios and clients. The trick with your modeling agency is to have a training program or modeling course that will teach new models all there is to know about the industry. This will give your models a better chance at various casting calls and prepared them for life as a model. This course will also help your models to reach the supermodel status, as you will be familiarizing them with the industry a lot quicker than if they just learn by trial and error. It makes you look good as an agent too.
To expand your agency, you should also be prepared to take on other qualified professional agents to transform your agency into a large corporation that can handle many models and clients with ease, still providing that personal touch that is required.