Becoming a Lingerie or Swimsuit Model
A calendar girl posing half nude on cars and bikes is probably the first thing that comes to mind when you think of swimsuit and lingerie modeling. Luckily when you become a model you can choose not to do these types of shoots unless you want to. Lingerie modeling is not always provocative and sexy, but may just be to shoot a close up of a bra for a box of underwear. Whatever the case, lingerie and swimsuit modeling is not for everyone and you will be involved in a separate kind of business to other models.

Lingerie modeling is not just limited to photographic shoots, but ramp work is also involved like Victoria Secret and other lingerie companies. To get into those high profile fashion shows, however, you will need to work for a very long time as a model and become quite well known. Most models that are comfortable with this type of modeling will start off doing photographic shoots.
For this kind of work you must make sure you have a top quality agent who you can trust and the photographers she uses must also be top of the range, professionals. You will be asked for your sizes in the case that an underwear company wants to use you for their ads or promotion materials.
For swimsuits you will also be required to give your sizes and you will also need to have a sexy, healthy body, as you will obviously be showing it off. You will be given separate training for this type of modeling as you will need to learn a couple of different things that a normal fashion model would not need to worry about. Certain ways you stand, walk, hold yourself, pose and play to the camera are fairly different with lingerie and swimsuit modeling.
Although lingerie and swimsuit models can start from the age of 14, many parents are against this. It is up to the agent to make sure that any shoot involving minors is tastefully done and does not offend or pose a moral dilemma later down the line. Lingerie modeling that is done should be very carefully thought through. If a girl wants to eventually enter a beauty pageant, any semi-nude can be used against her and might destroy her chances of becoming the next Miss America.

Modeling lingerie will require you to have a good size bust and posterior. You cannot be too skinny or athletic because you will not fill out the underwear correctly. Lingerie and swimsuit models are usually chosen for their well proportioned bodies. If you are with the correct agent and choose only the highest quality jobs in this sector of the industry it can be in your favor and you can make a nice sum of money and quite a good name for yourself. You could become known as the next Victoria Secret model or the latest Wonderbra Model, or you could even be in the next edition of Sports Illustrated in your sexy swimsuit.
If you want to model lingerie or swimsuits you will have to be sure that everything you do is tasteful and of high quality and if you are ever unhappy with any photographer or shoot in general, you must not give in and rather contact your agent, who must intervene.