Types of Modeling Jobs
Getting your first job in modeling can be a struggle and you may feel a bit intimidated. We provide information about each type of modeling job there is and what it involves, to give you a clearer image and help you decide where you fit in. Visit these detailed profile pages (but start with the capsules below):
- Ramp Modeling
- Photographic Modeling
- Body Part Modeling
- Child Modeling
- Range Showing Modeling
- Lingerie & Swimsuit Modeling
- Plus Size Modeling
- Hair Modeling
- Jobs for Male Models
- Modeling for TV Commercials
- International Modeling
- Other Modeling Careers

Modeling Agent Jobs
One of the first places that an aspiring model comes is to a reputable modeling agency. To be an agent you will have to have experience in the modeling world, contacts with fashion buyers, the media, photographers, casting agents and more. The modeling agent is responsible for the booking of shoots and fashion shows for the models he or she has on the books and will also accept new model hopefuls into a modeling program or course to teach them the business. You are responsible for the safety of the children, women and men that you have on your books and will organize all of the payments to each model for the specific jobs they do.
Modeling Photographers
To start out in the modeling side of things, you will need to have a good portfolio of images that you have taken and depending on your situation, you can work for an agency in house, or freelance your services to your contacts in various modeling agencies. You will be responsible for taking the headshots of each model that joins an agency and helping them to get a portfolio together, or you will be involved in the casting side of things where you will actually take the shots for the fashion catalogues, media shoots and advertising campaigns. Read More.
Hair Model Jobs
Your job is basically to have beautiful hair. It does not need to be sleek and shiny, but can also be unique and different, or it can be an interesting color. You (and your agent) will be able to promote yourself as a hair model for shampoo and conditioner commercials, for certain shots that might be needed in a film, advertising campaigns and more. You will be responsible for keeping your hair in top condition at all times. You can be of any weight, height, shape, ethnic background and age.
Ramp Model Jobs
A ramp model is perhaps the position in modeling that everyone aspires to be and this type of modeling can give you easier access to entering the major beauty pageants. A ramp model will need to be of a certain height and this is mainly to show off the clothing that is worn to its full potential, as will the way you have to walk. The walk is what every ramp model must learn and is offered in the modeling course that you will have to take at your agency. You need to be fairly slim and healthy and you don’t necessarily have to be pretty.
Photographic Models
Posing for photographs is right up some people’s ally and they make the perfect photographic models. You will need to have some kind of unique photogenic qualities and even if you think you are plain, just give it a go anyway. You may be amazed at yourself once you are made up. You will need to learn various makeup skills and acting or playing for the camera as part of your modeling course with an agent.
Body Modeling Jobs
If you have a part of your body that you feel would be perfect for television, film, or print media, you should consider becoming a body model. You can model your hands, feet, legs, back, neck, ears, arms and more. Jobs you can work on will include campaigns for jewelry, footwear, watches, soap, shower gel, or cream just to name a few. You will need to keep this part of your body in tip top shape.
Child Model Jobs
Taking part in modeling can be fun and exciting for many children. Parents also love the fact that they can offer this option to their child and start them in a career that is enjoyable and that pays a good amount of money. As a child, you will have certain hours that you are allowed to work as there are lots of regulations that have been put in place for the safety and well being of children in the modeling world.
Male Modeling
The job of a male model will vary as with females. You can also join an agency for ramp work, photographic modeling and body modeling. Male models will generally need to be a bit older than females and while most females can start adult modeling at the age of 14 or 15, males will only have the correct look when they are about 17 or 18 years of age. As a male model you will be required to have a lean, strong, athletic looking body and topless shots will also be asked of you.
Hair and Make Up Artists
If you are an expert with a brush, whether it is a hair brush or a make up brush, you can also opt for a position in the modeling industry. Most of the time, models will require a make up artist and hair professional to get them ready for fashion shoots and especially during fashion shows and ramp work where they will have quick changes with hair and make up included. You should be comfortable working under pressure most of the time and if you do make up and hair for a fashion shoot, you will need to keep retouching the make up and hair to look the same throughout the day or over a few days of the shoot. Read up on cosmetology jobs in a different section of JobMonkey, which covers hairstyling, make up application, and much more.
These are the main types of jobs that you will find in the modeling business, although you can find various other smaller jobs that will offer you some work in this industry, such as promotions managers, dressers and the like. The trick to be good at any job you undertake in the fashion and modeling world is perseverance. You will need to have a hard shell and understand what is required of you. Most of the time, this lifestyle is fast paced and stressful calling for a strong personality and dedication to your work.
If you have all of these qualities and are interested in pursuing a modeling career, you will need to learn how to get into the industry and start living your dreams. Preparation for being a model is very necessary, and the next chapter deals with how you go about it.