Travel Center

As you’ve probably noticed by now, just about all the jobs described in JobMonkey involve travel of one form or another. Travel and seeing new places and faces is one of the biggest benefits of a JobMonkey job! So it’s important that you understand the ins and outs of national and international travel.

In the Travel Center you’ll learn valuable information that will help your travel experiences to your new job go smoothly, and, with luck, cost you less than you expected. Here you’ll find tips on getting discounts on airfares, how to get room and board on the cheap, what kinds of documentation you’ll need and how to obtain it, and an online store where you can purchase travel books to take with you.

So any time you’re browsing through JobMonkey and have a question about traveling, visit our Travel Center. You can begin by clicking any of the options in the Table of Contents listed below.

When looking for a travel job you can use the detailed information on to do it yourself or find an

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executive recruiter to help your travel job search.

Also check out our new travel website –

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