General Manager Business Jobs
The general manager’s job description involves planning and taking steps to coordinate the operation of companies, including public and private sector organizations. He or she formulates company policies, manages the daily operations of the company, and oversees the use of company resources, including personnel. This job description may overlap into other management areas, depending on the size and type of corporation involved.

A general manager’s responsibilities include taking steps to ensure that the company is reaching its goals for generating revenue, while keeping costs contained at a reasonable level. The company’s day-to-day operations fall within the general manager’s area of responsibility.
A person would be qualified to take on the responsibility of a general manager after about 10 years of work experience in a related field. This job usually involves working from an office, but you may be required to travel to different locations where the company does business as part of your duties. Depending on the size of the company and number of branch offices, visiting them may account for a significant amount of the general manager’s time.
Education Required to Become a General Manager
A good place to start if you are interested in becoming a general manager is to get a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration. A Master’s Degree in Business Administration (MBA) valued by employers and may make it easier for you to get a general manager’s position.
In addition to a good educational background, you will also need to have 10 years or more experience in the corporate world. Some general managers are promoted from within the ranks of a company to this position based on their job performance and experience.
Business Manager Salary Information
The mean salary for company general managers is $103,780. Performance bonuses, benefits and other perks are not included in this figure.
Employment Trends for General Managers
The job prospects for this type of work over the next few years are average. As existing general managers move on or retire, there will be lots of competition among applicants for the newly-vacated positions.