Where to Look for Event Jobs
If you’ve decided that the events industry is one you might want to work in, then consider the process of finding an events job that will allow you to do so. On the following pages we outline the different careers and jobs that are available for most events.

This means discussing and outlining the difference between someone who does PR and marketing for an event as opposed to someone who works as general event staff. For each of these positions we will discuss the general qualifications required for someone in that position and – through our event profiles (like the Coachella festival profile) – highlight exactly how to find jobs at that specific event. But first, consider what can you do to increase your chances of finding an events job and what is the best way to procure a job in the events industry?
One of the best ways to find an events job is to look early and look often. If you want to work for a major event in your area consider how much planning goes into an event of that kind. The venues, hiring, food vendors, entertainment, organization, planning, marketing and PR for an event begins months before it even takes place. That is why applying early is a great way to get involved. A great deal of the work involved in putting on an event goes into the planning stages, so that represents a great time to put your resume together and begin looking for opportunities.
Additionally many of the temporary jobs at weekend events are also very popular. Because of the money that can be made working a lot of hours, and the free access workers usually gain to the event, these jobs tend to go fast. By being prepared and by applying early to events jobs in your area you are setting yourself up to be as successful as possible in finding one.
Many opportunities aren’t even direct hires for that weekend. Many of the people who work at an event already work for the venue, vendor, sponsor or organization and planning company that are putting on the event. For this reason, if you only want to work a weekend job or are trying to find work for a specific event in your area, it may be difficult. For example, if a concert is coming to town it will be hard to find work at that concert because it is likely the crew at the venue where they are playing will be sufficient for that evening. However, weekend festivals and bigger events like Bonnaroo do represent a better chance for finding work. Venues employ staff, as do event planning companies for weekend festivals so sometimes finding work through a vendor or sponsor that will need extra help at the event is a good way to find temporary work. Another way to find work for a one-time event is by looking for volunteer opportunities. A great deal of work is achieved through the help of volunteers, so donating your time is often the best way to gain weekend access to your favorite events.
If you’re interested in a career consider applying at a popular venue or through an event organization and planning company. Because many events workers are people who already work at a specific venue, it is a great way to get a lot of experience and work full time in the industry. Another way to gain employment is to apply to a company that puts on, plans or markets for events. This represents a much more permanent work opportunity, and potentially a career path. Who wouldn’t want to work at concerts three nights a week or be a part of your city’s major sporting events throughout the year?
Keep these things in mind when looking for work. For more detailed information on jobs in the events industry and jobs that are available for certain events, check out our event and job profiles.