Event Management Companies
Event management companies are the brains and brawn behind how events are planned and executed. It is common for festivals to be approached by people eager to work for the festival, however, many of the jobs involved in putting on an event are hired directly by an event management company.

For example, a great deal of the concert staff – including management, stage management, sound, lighting, electric, set up, break down, tent contractors and security – are all contracted through the event management company itself or through contracts with local businesses. Because of the magnitude and scale of popular events such as the Olympics and music festivals, event planning companies are much more capable of organizing the event, than the sporting event or festival itself. It is for this reason the event management companies provide entire careers based around supplying staff for, and organizing events.
If you are interested working in the event planning industry, which can include booking bands, working in light and sound, putting on concerts, providing entertainment, organizing event calendars, putting together food vendors, finding security, solidifying sponsors and so much more, consider looking into a career in event organization with a management company.
Jobs with event management companies vary extensively. If you think you might be interested in working concert after concert, or planning large sporting events, then think about applying to an events management company that organizes events you like attending. If you love music or film festivals, apply to a company that specializes in events of that nature. Working for an event planning company represents the best way for you to land a consistent events job or career.
In each of our event profiles we will list the event planning company responsible for organizing the event. This represents an excellent way to begin looking for a job that allows you to be a part of your favorite events.