Work for Entertainers
Event entertainment can be the main focus of an event or just a small part. Regardless of in what capacity, almost every event has some sort of entertainment booked for the crowd.

Check out some of the following event entertainment jobs and find out more about entertainment for events.
Keep in mind that most of the following jobs aren’t intended to represent the main entertainment for an event, but are supplementary to the event itself. Additionally, payment listed and job requirements in this section are meant to be used as a guide and are only generalizations. If these jobs are perfect for you, then look into cruise ship entertainer jobs as well.
Gigs for Singers and Bands
Some singers book entire concert halls and auditoriums, while others are used to open for an event or are intended to provide entertainment during an intermission. One of the most popular gigs for event singers is singing the National Anthem. This tradition is iconic to sporting events and plays at the beginning of almost every sporting event. Some singing jobs for events are meant to provide entertainment during a break or to provide pleasant music in the background of an event. Singers who want to sing the National Anthem can approach a venue with a request to be considered and most will need to audition for the position. Bands also will need to provide demos and will likely be asked to audition in order to fit the appropriate music for the event.
Requirements: A good voice, comfortable on stage and singing or performing experience.
Payment: National Anthem singers usually volunteer for the honor. Payment for bands varies extensively depending on the venue and the popularity of the band.
Master of Ceremonies Jobs
The Master of Ceremonies, or MC, speaks to the audience, presents the next event or person on stage and keeps the event moving. Master of Ceremonies are sometimes professional speakers, celebrities or someone with good speaking skills hired for the event. To find a job as an MC you usually have to have event experience, are approached for the event, or request the position and asked to audition.
Requirements: MC’s usually have event experience, are comfortable speaking in front of large crowds, can improvise well and are confident speakers.
Payment: Pay is usually a one time fee agreed upon before the event and varies extensively.
Announcer Jobs
Announcing jobs are akin to sporting events because announcers are most commonly used for events of this kind. Announcers outline the game for listeners, mention statistics and provide audio for the visual event.
Requirements: Announcers for sporting events are commonly ex-players or coaches in the field. They must have a strong knowledge of the game or event, good broadcasting skills, industry experience and are well spoken.
Payment: Pay varies depending on the magnitude of the event. Some announcers are paid for a single event or salaried to announce for an entire year.
Dancer Jobs
Many events have dancers to provide entertainment. Concerts and basketball games are just a few examples of the types of events that have some sort of dancing aspect at the event.
Most dancers either travel with an event, team, band or singer.
Requirements: All dancers must pass an audition, have dance experience, be physically fit and must be willing to travel if necessary.
Most dance positions are part time, since games only take place a few hours throughout the week although many dance positions are fulltime.
Payment: Payment for dancers also varies but can range between $4,000 (or less) – $60,000.
Work for Comedians
Sometimes comedians are used during intermissions, to open for an event or are asked to be a Master of Ceremonies and host an event. Comedians are a favorite among crowds and popular at events and parties.
Requirements: Most comedians will be approached or asked to audition, they must feel comfortable in front of a crowd, have industry experience and are likely asked to have their routine prepared.
Payment: Pay varies depending on the professionalism of the event. Can range anywhere from $50 – $2000 for a single appearance.