Eastern Europe Internships

College students or graduates may choose to pursue an internship in Eastern Europe.

Here are Some Internship Options in Eastern Europe

If you have a special area of expertise (engineering, marketing, or computer programming, for example) and an interest in applying your expertise overseas, consider an internship as an alternative to teaching English or searching for a job independently once you arrive. Internships range in length from a couple of months to a year or more. Often, credit is available through colleges and universities, though you must arrange this well in advance of your departure.

Although internships may be low-paying, they are often used as stepping stones to more permanent, higher-paying positions. It also is more likely that they can be arranged in advance, taking care of any anxieties you might have going abroad without an established job.

Inquire through your college or university, or contact any of the following organizations:

    Association for International Practical Training
    10400 Little Patuxent Parkway, Suite 250
    Columbia, MD 21044-3510
    Phone: (410) 997-2200

    People-to-People International
    501 E Armour Boulevard
    Kansas City, MO 64110-2200
    Phone: (816) 531-4701

    Worldwide Internships and Service Education (WISE)
    303 Craig Street
    Pittsburgh, PA 15213
    Phone: (412) 681-8120

    Georgetown University Internship Programs
    P.O. Box 2298
    Washington, DC 20057
    Phone: (202) 687-5055


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