Jobs with Oceania Cruises
Oceania Cruises is known as the largest “upper premium cruise line in the world.”

The company was founded by Joe Watters and Frank Del Rio. Both of the company founders have extensive experience in the industry.
The company operates several medium-sized cruise ships. People who book passage to one of the 180 ports that Oceania Cruises ships visit around the world enjoy fine dining and the attention of 400 crew members on their voyage. As a result, their time spent on board is an unforgettable experience.
Types of Jobs Available at Oceania Cruise Lines
The company hires workers for corporate and call center positions, as well as those on board ship. Examples of jobs on ships include the following:
- Cellar Master
- Chief Purser
- Computer Instructor
- Deck Purser
- General Manager
- Head Baker
- Italian Chef
- Lecturer
- Pastry Chef
- Receptionist
- Systems Manager
How to Apply for a Job at Oceania Cruise Lines
Potential Oceania Cruise Lines employees can see available jobs by visiting the Employment section of the company web site. To learn more about an opening with the company, click on the job title to see a detailed description. Applicants will need to create a profile before submitting their resume to the company.
Some types of jobs that Oceania hires people to do are filled by outside agencies. Job candidates who are interested in working in an on-board casino are asked to visit the Casinos Austria Maritime Corp web site for more information. This company hires people with a minimum of three years of experience who are fluent in English and German for positions as dealers, slot technicians and cashiers.
People who are interested in working for Oceania Cruise Lines as hairstylists, fitness instructors, massage therapists, beauty therapists and spa managers should visit the Canyon Ranch at Sea web site to find out about available positions. If your dream is to work in a boutique on board an Oceania Cruises ship, then you need to apply for a job through Harding Brothers.