If you are looking for a way to make a little extra money, have you ever thought about selling stuff on eBay? I know, just the thought of it probably conjures up images of some crazy lady with a house filled with tcatchkes. But I’ve been reading this blog called My Dear Trash, which has […]
How to Get Paid to Blog
Back in the early days of blogging — circa 2004 — blogs were mostly online journals. Moms wrote about their new babies, college kids wrote about their love life angst. Today, however, blogs are part personal catharsis, part PR and part income stream. Every major brand has a blog, and most non-profits communicate with donors […]
35 Deductions for Freelancers & Small Business Owners
With the April 15th deadline for filing your personal income taxes right around the corner, it’s time for those of you who are self-employed to get serious about your 1040s. Whether you hire a tax professional to do your taxes for you, or you plan to go it on your own with software like TurboTax, […]
Free eBook: How to Sell on eBay
Are you interested in starting your own Internet-based business? With tens of millions of Americans out of work, more and more of you are turning to your own entrepreneurial ideas to pay the bills. Internet businesses are one of the more popular schemes and one of the best ways to hawk your wares online is […]
8 Tips for Making WAH Work!
Working at home has a ton of perks, but it also requires a lot of motivation, dedication and organization. Believe me, I know. I’ve worked from home for several years now and I’ve had my ups and downs. Even during those down times, however, the plusses of working at home have more than compensated. I […]
In the News: Stay at Home Moms Heading Back to Work
The New York Times recently ran this insightful piece on how the recession has been impacting former Stay at Home moms. According to the article, about 80 percent of the layoffs in the current recession have been men, forcing a number of once full-time moms to head back to the workplace. Author Eilene Zimmerman interviewed […]
Reader Mailbag: 8 Ways to Market Your Home Business
Each Thursday, I answer a question from one of our readers about finding a job. I love hearing from you, so please don’t be shy — send me your questions via email or leave a comment in the section below. You can check out past Reader Mailbags, where I’ve covered everything from job search tips […]
In the News: Many Bloggers Earning Big Bucks
The Wall Street Journal’s Mark Penn published a column this week about the growing number of professional bloggers — and their growing earning potential. Penn says that 1% of American adults are now earning some income from blogging. That translates into 20 million blogging Americas, with 1.7 million profiting from their work in some way […]