Millions of people make their living as independent contractors. Independent contractors are people that provide goods or services under the terms of a contract or verbal agreement, but are not employees. They are often referred to as contractors or freelancers and they work in a wide variety of niches. Independent contractors may pick up work […]
35 High Paying Jobs That Do Not Require A Degree
A college degree isn’t necessary to find a high paying job. It may sound like a myth, but it’s totally true. Don’t let the rising costs of education make you settle for a low paying job. As long as you know where to look, you’ll be able to find plenty of high paying jobs that […]
The World’s Best Ski Bum Jobs
Planning to head to the mountains to be a ski bum? If you’ve been dreaming about getting paid to ski and snowboard all day, winter seasonal work is the way to go. Just be careful because one season as a ski bum can quickly turn into two or three or even a lifetime of mountain […]
13 Cool Jobs For Book Lovers
If you’re a bookworm, why don’t you focus your job search on jobs for book lovers? Reading is one of the best things you can do for your mind. It’s like mental exercise. According to, reading helps to stimulate your brain, reduce stress, boost knowledge, expand vocabulary, improve memory, enhance focus and concentration, improve […]
10 Secrets You Should Keep From Your Boss
No matter what you do, the office needs to be a professional setting. Even if your company has a casual culture and you’re lucky enough to have a super cool boss, there are some topics that need to be off limits in the office. Your boss is directly responsible for your work performance. They control […]
Outside Magazine Reveals The Best Places To Work 2015
Every year we wait patiently for Outside Magazine to reveal their annual list of the 100 Best Places To Work. The list is different every year and it’s an excellent reminder that where you work is as important as what you do. When you’re searching for a job, it’s absolutely mandatory that you research your […]
Do You Qualify For Unemployment Benefits?
Have you recently quit your job? Were you laid off by your former employer? Did you get fired? Whatever happened, you’re now out of a job. Being unemployed is no fun, but it does happen. When you’re unemployed and times get rough, life can be a little scary. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, […]
The First Jobs Of Famous Politicians
No one is instantly successful, famous, rich, or well known. Everyone has to start somewhere. It takes time to build yourself and your career. You often have to start at the bottom before you can work your way to the top. Anything is possible if you are driven and focused. On October 20, 2015, Canada elected […]