Casino Surveillance Officers

Employees in this position have the responsibility of monitoring the casino’s physical interior and exterior areas via surveillance cameras and other hidden devices.
Sometimes referred to as the “eye in the sky,” surveillance officers maintain communications with uniformed security officers and floor supervisors, notifying them of potential trouble. Surveillance officers also monitor and record money transfers, opening and closing of slot machines, and authorization to visit restricted areas. Since surveillance officers oversee the actions of both customers and employees throughout a casino, a good working knowledge of all the games and proper play procedures is essential. Applicants should possess good communication skills and the ability to think and act quickly. They should also should be able to work well with a variety of people and handle tense situations. At some casinos this position requires one or two years’ previous experience in security operations.
Other casinos treat this position as entry-level. Pay usually starts around minimum wage to about $18 an hour.