November 20, 2016

12 Smart Time Management Tips For Job Seekers

Your most valuable asset is your time. When you’re unemployed, searching for a job is a full-time commitment and every minute that you waste sets your job search back. Time management is an issue that everyone struggles with. We all have those days when we can’t seem to get anything done. It probably happens more than […]

November 12, 2016

The 12 Best Off The Grid Jobs

Life is hectic. No matter where we live there is always a constant onslaught of information, activities, and interactions. It can be overwhelming to say the least. Between social functions, the Internet, television, smartphones, and the daily grind there’s always something going on. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could just escape from it all? […]

November 9, 2016

12 Cool Jobs That Save The Planet

Where do you live? The answer is Planet Earth. It’s a great big place that is home to billions of people. We don’t have another planet to move to and it’s time that we focus on taking care of our home. If you want to make a difference, start by focusing your job search on jobs […]

November 7, 2016

Why You Should Become A Locksmith

How many locks are in your life? Most people carry keys for a wide variety of purposes – vehicles, bike locks, homes, buildings, businesses. If you’re like most people you likely have a full keychain of keys in your pocket. Those keys protect your things and they are vital to your way of life. But […]

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