The Inside Scoop on Employers
The information that a company produces about itself may be a little self-serving and promotional. You never can be quite sure if it is telling the truth or not. When the title of “best company” comes from the employees, however, you have a different but more reliable story. While there are different ways to measure what the employees are saying, it certainly will give you an inside story as to what they think about what company really is the one that deserves the title of best companies to work for.
One company that measures what employees are saying compiles an annual list called Best Places to Work. Although it measures 70,000 different companies anonymously, it claims to be fair through its approach and steps it takes to ensure that the people submitting the rating are really employees. The Website allows readers to read the comments, too, and not all of them are positive. Here are some of the best top 10 on the list.
On the list, each company is rated from 0-5. At the top of the list is Southwest Airlines, which is rated 4.7. Another airline is also in the top 10 – Delta Airlines, and it has a rating of 4.0, giving it a position of number 8 on the list.
Two large manufacturing companies are on the list in the top 10. General Mills holds the number 2 position with a rating of 4.5. Then, the other large company, which holds the 9th position on this best company to work for list, is Proctor & Gamble. It has a rating of 4.0.
Employees of four large consulting firms have put their company in the top 10. Slalom Consulting holds the number three position with a rating of 4.3. Bain & Company has the number four position on the list with a 4.2, then McKinsey & Company holds the 5th place with a rating of 4.1.Finally, Boston Consulting takes 7th place with a 4.0.
MITRE stands alone as the only government-sponsored research corporation in the top 10 on the list of best companies. This best top 10 company does research for the Department of Defense, the FAA, the IRS, Homeland Security, and the US Department of Veteran’s Affairs. Altogether, there are more than 60 sites around the world where MITRE has offices.
Juniper Networks holds the number 10 position with a rating of 3.9. The company builds computer networks and the technology behind them to make them faster and smarter.
There are many more of these companies on the list. It might be worth stopping by JobVent during your job search. You can look up targeted employers and see what present and past employees have to say about their workplace experiences. Interesting stuff!