February 2, 2009

So You Want to Be a Freelance Writer? Get Yourself a Hairnet.

The unemployment figures are climbing and Americans are scrambling to find jobs. While starting your own business surely has its risks — especially in this economy — a growing number of recent college grads, recently unemployed and one-time stay-at-home parents are testing the freelance waters. One of the most popular jobs for stay-at-home workers is […]

January 30, 2009

What I’m Reading This Weekend

Happy Friday! It’s been a heckuva lousy week for the American employee. Each day, the layoff announcements were worst than the last. President Obama’s $819 billion Stimulus Plan did pass through the House of Representatives, and now its up to the Senate to decide what to do. If the spending plan passes, a major component […]

January 29, 2009

Reader Mailbag: Writing a Cover Letter

Dear Job Monkey, I am a 28-year-old about to graduate from nursing school. A friend of my mom’s works at a large, local hospital and they are having a hiring fair next week. There will be representatives from all the different departments and they will be doing informational sessions as well as scheduling actual job […]

January 28, 2009

Hot Jobs 22

Happy Hump Day. It’s job announcement day and the Job Monkey free job center is brimming with new job listings. If you love animals, today’s Hot Jobs are definitely for you. I am posting a range of animal job openings — from a college internship at the Oregon Zoo to a zookeeper position in Grand […]

January 27, 2009

What Would You Do With $500?

Here’s a fun little poll for this cold and snowy Tuesday afternoon. If Congress passes President Obama’s $825 billion Stimulus Plan, you will be getting a stimulus check in the mail for $500 ($1,000 for couples — income restrictions do apply.) So, what would you do with your check? Would you stimulate the economy by […]

January 27, 2009

Should You Go Back to School?

With the recession reaching record-high proportions, many of the unemployed are turning to retraining rather than resume writing. A story today on CNN’s Money Magazine focused on this growing trend to retrain, especially among the more “mature” worker. If you are considering going back to school after a layoff, here are three questions you should […]

January 26, 2009

Bloody Monday: How to Shore Up Your Finances In Anticipation of a Job Loss

The news hasn’t been good for weeks, but today America’s job market reached an all-time low. CNN reported this afternoon that 71,400 jobs were lost today. That’s the single highest job loss day since 1945. The companies affected include: – Catepillar, which is cutting 20,000 jobs – Drug-maker Pfizer, which is reducing its workforce by […]

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