Thursday is Reader Mailbag day, in which I answer questions about job searching from our readers. Do you have a question? Send me an email or leave a comment! Dear JobMonkey, I am a college senior at a private university in New York City. I will be graduating with a huge amount of student loans, […]
Print Free Resumes and Business Cards This Month
Office supply stores Staples and Office Depot are both running job searching specials this month, with free copies of your resume, free faxing and even free business cards. If you are looking for a job, taking advantage of one (or both) of these offers is a great way to save your budget the expense of […]
Hot Jobs 35: Theme Park Jobs
Welcome to Hot Jobs Wednesday. As you probably know by now, each Wednesday I post three of the newest, hottest jobs listed at the JobMonkey Job Center. If you are looking for a job, the Job Center is a great resource. We have thousands of job openings, updated daily. The best news is that it’s […]
In the News: P. Diddy’s Hiring Again
Unemployment may be skyrocketing, but there is one place that’s still hiring: Reality TV shows. This week, for example, the casting call is being put out by VHI1 and Sean P. Diddy Combs for the hip-hop star’s newest reality TV show, “I Want To Work For Diddy 2.” The catch: contests are competing for a […]
In the News: Many Bloggers Earning Big Bucks
The Wall Street Journal’s Mark Penn published a column this week about the growing number of professional bloggers — and their growing earning potential. Penn says that 1% of American adults are now earning some income from blogging. That translates into 20 million blogging Americas, with 1.7 million profiting from their work in some way […]
Hot Jobs 34: Working at a Casino
Welcome to Hot Jobs! Unless this is your first visit to the JobMonkey blog, you probably know by now that every Wednesday is Hot Jobs Day. What that means is this: I post three of the hottest new job listings from the JobMonkey Job Center and you either apply for one of them… or get […]
In the News: Top 100 Retailers That Are Hiring
With many of the big companies announcing even more layoffs, here is a piece of good news: Fortune Magazine and CNN Money say there are dozens of Fortune 100 companies hiring people for new retail positions. Some places to look for retail employment opportunities in this bad economy include: Walmart – The Arkansas-based company, which […]
Job Searching Link Love
I feel as though Spring has finally sprung here in the Midwest. I hope the weather is equally hospitable where you are! I’ve got a quick list of some helpful job searching posts, culled from around the blogosphere this week. Technology Tools for Job Seekers, Part I and Part II @ the Career Goddess. Susan […]