May 12, 2009

Looking for Work? Join a Job Club

I heard a great story last night on my local NPR about job clubs. These networking clubs provide a variety of free (or very low-cost) services to job seekers, from practice interviews to resume-writing clinics to much-needed support. According to the story I heard, the number of job clubs in my town alone has grown […]

May 9, 2009

What’s Your Dream Job?

Every day I write about cool jobs in the United States and abroad. Sometimes we focus in on seasonal jobs, internships and volunteer placements; other times we look at year-round jobs and life-long careers. But today, I want to hear from you. Tell me, what is your dream job? And are you doing it right […]

May 8, 2009

Some Good News on the Unemployment Front

The Labor Department released its unemployment numbers for the month of April today and there is a bit of good news. The pace of layoffs slowed down last month to 539,000 jobs cut. More than half a million jobs probably sounds like bad news, not good (and, for those 539,000 people, it no doubt is). […]

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