If you have dreamed of becoming a video game designer or programmer, you must read this interview with game veteran, Bill Roper. Roper, who played a key role in the development of the seminal game Warcraft, recently discussed his career and the future of the industry with Gamasutra. Several months ago, I covered the educational […]
Reader Mailbag: Fire Fighter Jobs
Each Thursday, I answer a reader question about their job search process. I love hearing from you, so please don’t be shy — send me your questions via email or leave a comment in the section below. Check out past Reader Mailbags, where we cover everything from job search tips for college grads to legitimate […]
Hot Jobs 37: Film & Music Industry Jobs
Happy Wednesday. As you probably know by now, each Wednesday I post three hot new jobs from our database of job openings at the JobMonkey Job Center. The Job Center has hundreds of new job openings all updated daily. Whatever field you are looking and whatever region of the country (or the world) you want […]
Looking for Work? Join a Job Club
I heard a great story last night on my local NPR about job clubs. These networking clubs provide a variety of free (or very low-cost) services to job seekers, from practice interviews to resume-writing clinics to much-needed support. According to the story I heard, the number of job clubs in my town alone has grown […]
Six Figure Jobs That Don’t Require an Advanced Degree
Are you in the market for a new job? You may think that a six-figure job is out of your reach, but according to a Western Michigan news station, there are a growing number of jobs that pay top salaries. There are even plenty of six-figure jobs, the report says, that don’t require an advanced […]
What’s Your Dream Job?
Every day I write about cool jobs in the United States and abroad. Sometimes we focus in on seasonal jobs, internships and volunteer placements; other times we look at year-round jobs and life-long careers. But today, I want to hear from you. Tell me, what is your dream job? And are you doing it right […]
Some Good News on the Unemployment Front
The Labor Department released its unemployment numbers for the month of April today and there is a bit of good news. The pace of layoffs slowed down last month to 539,000 jobs cut. More than half a million jobs probably sounds like bad news, not good (and, for those 539,000 people, it no doubt is). […]
Reader Mailbag: Law Enforcement Jobs
Each Thursday, I answer readers’ questions about their job search process. I love hearing from you, so please don’t be shy — send me your questions via email or leave a comment in the section below. Check out past Reader Mailbags, where we have covered everything from how to find a job at Disney World […]