August 21, 2014

The US Federal Government Is Hiring

Think about all of the places that the US federal government employs people – Park rangers in Alaska’s Denali National Park, TSA agents at JFK Airport in NY, postal workers in Dallas, Texas, museum curators at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington DC, customs agent on the California/Mexico border, engineers working in Yellowstone National Park, and […]

August 14, 2014

Volunteering Opportunities For You

Have you ever volunteered to do something? Typically volunteering is a rewarding activity that is intended to help others. It’s also a wonderful way for someone like you to build skills, network, gain experience, and have fun. If you don’t volunteer for things on a regular basis, change your habits. Try volunteering and see what […]

August 10, 2014

Why You Need To Be Certified

Are you certified? It’s a question you’ll probably face at your next job interview. If you want to get hired, a certification is your ticket to success. Certifications are designed to ensure that your skills and competence meet certain standards. They show that you can perform a job or task at a specific level. Often, […]

August 10, 2014

Low Stress Jobs Where You Can Thrive

Stress. Even the word can make you twinge with anxiety. Being stressed is not fun. What causes you to stress out? Work loads? Job searching? Deadlines? Family obligations? Commuting? Stress is the one thing that nearly everyone wants to eliminate from their lives. Would your life be different if you were stress free? Your blood […]

August 7, 2014

What You Need To Know About Distance Learning

What’s holding you back from going back to school? Is it the time commitment? The financing? The room and board? The location? Unfortunately, these are stopping lots of people from going back to school to earn a degree. Luckily, the Internet and technology are here to help. The simple solution to earning a degree is […]

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