Are you a sports fanatic? What do you follow? Football? Basketball? Hockey? Lacrosse? Tennis? Soccer? Racing? You can turn on your television nearly anytime of the day and find professional sports being played. It’s crazy how big the professional sports industry really is. What’s your favorite team? Do you consider yourself a diehard fan? Do you […]
You’re A Time Waster And Your Boss Knows It
How do you spent your time at work? Are you constantly busy completing work-oriented tasks? Or are you easily distracted by your surroundings? How many hours of your work day do you waste? Pay attention next time you’re in the office. The answers might surprise you. If you’re a time waster, you’ll enjoy the article […]
Museum Jobs Rock!
When was the last time you went to a museum? Museums are amazing institutions that display scientific, artistic, cultural, historical, and local exhibits. Both big cities and small towns are proud to feature museums as popular attractions where people can visit, learn, and experience. Basically, museums rock. Museums are awesome employers. Why wouldn’t you want to […]
Link Love – Definitely Worth A Read
Have you read any good articles or blog posts lately? We have and we want to share a few that you might enjoy. It’s amazing what we stumble upon when we are on the Internet! Enjoy! How To Build A Blog That Has A Lasting Impact Upon Its Readers @ ProBlogger – Starting a blog […]
Cool Music Jobs That You’ll Enjoy
What type of music do you enjoy? Do you listen to music every day? Are you a fan of attending concerts? Do you listen to your favorite jam on your morning jog? Do you turn up the speakers during your commute? Do you download your favorite artist’s new album on iTunes? Music is everywhere. Why […]
6 Easy Steps To Become A Freelancer
Are you an expert? To you have an unusually awesome talent? Why not become a freelancer? A freelancer is a self employed person who works for a variety of companies in a specific niche. Freelancers are often called independent contractors. They seek out their own work and are almost always available to work. Since they […]
Turn Your Biggest Weakness Into A Strength
Job interviewers absolutely love the question, “what is your biggest weakness?” Have you heard it before? If you’ve ever had a job interview you probably have. It’s probably the most common interview question and is definitely one you need to prepare for. Identifying your weaknesses is tricky. You need to be honest, but you still […]
Spotlight: Yoga Jobs
Do you know what downward dog, shooting bow, happy baby, half moon, half lotus, cobra, flying crow, monkey, and warrior are? They are all yoga poses. These could become everyday terms for you if you seek out a yoga job. According to, yoga is a Hindu philosophy that teaches a person to experience inner […]