As you develop as a professional, you’ll quickly realize that life is all about who you know. The more you network, the better off you will be. It’s up to you to constantly make professional contacts, stay in touch with them, and develop relationships. You never know when you’ll need a reference or a referral. […]
Companies On A Hiring Spree In November
With the holiday shopping rush coming up rapidly, employers are doing anything they can to hire people. The National Retail Federation is predicting at least 730,000 additional retail workers this holiday season. Delivery companies like FedEx and UPS need extra delivery drivers to move millions of packages. Other businesses are getting ready for the holiday […]
17 Online Resources To Learn A Foreign Language From Home
Learning a language can be a daunting task. It’s an entirely new way to communicate that takes time to learn and master. When you learn a foreign language, it will help you get ahead in your professional world, but it also is a life skill that will help you forever. Being multi-lingual is one of […]
Spotlight: Border Patrol Agents
Do you know much about the US Customs and Border Protection? This multi-billion dollar government agency employs the front line heroes that keep the United States safe. The CBP is part of the Department of Homeland Security and they have the massive, complex, and vast task of protecting the borders of the United States. The […]
Writing A Resume When You Have Zero Experience
Are you getting ready to apply for a job? Have you written your resume and realized you don’t have much listed? Even if you’ve never worked or have zero experience, you can still produce an attention grabbing resume. It’s not as hard as you might think. At some point everyone has to write a new […]
The Best Places To Work In 2014
Want to work for a cool company? You’ve come to the right place. The results for the best and coolest places to work in 2014 are in! Every year we’re excited to see Outside Magazine’s 100 Best Places To Work. Outside always highlights the coolest employers in this list. They use an outside source to scrutinize […]
13 Career Mistakes You CANNOT Afford To Make
It requires years of effort, focus, and determination to build a career. Yet, it only takes a simple mistake or two to make your entire career crumble in front of your eyes. No one wants to lose years of work due to one silly mistake. Here are 13 career mistakes that you cannot afford to […]
18 Movies That Will Inspire You To Pursue A Career
When was the last time you sat down and enjoyed a good movie? Movies are a brilliant way to escape reality and see the world in a different light. Some movies can even serve to help motivate your job search. If you’re trying to make a career switch, but need a bit of inspiration, try […]