July 26, 2015

You’re Fired! Now What?

People get fired all the time. It’s always unfortunate, but it’s also the nature of the business world. Cutbacks are common, contracts end, mistakes are made, situations unravel, and people lose their jobs. It’s part of life. No one wants to hear the words, “You’re Fired!” It’s a professional’s worst nightmare – like something out […]

July 21, 2015

Spotlight: SmokeJumpers

It’s wildfire season. If there’s smoke in the air, there might be wildfires raging near you. It’s not easy to put out a massive forest fire, but someone has to do it. Wildfires are uncontrolled fires that are fueled by weather, wind, and anything that can burn. They ravage the landscape and can destroy anything […]

July 14, 2015

Link Love: Your Weekly Reading List

Millions of blog posts and articles are written every day. It would be a full time job to keep up with everything that’s published online. So how do you know what to read? There’s plenty of junk to sort through, but there’s also some high quality job focused articles out there that you need to read. […]

July 12, 2015

11 Reasons Why You Need To Spend More Time Outside

Be honest. Would you rather spend your day in a stuffy, cluttered office or would you rather spend your day outside? If you’re like most people, you’d rather be outside. There’s something special about spending time in nature. The positive effects of Mother Earth are astounding. Did you know that spending time outside is one […]

July 7, 2015

Supercharge Your Day With These Coffee Alternatives

Every day people enjoy coffee in homes, restaurants, hotels, and offices around the world. It’s one of the most popular drinks of all time. According to Business Insider, coffee is a $100 billion industry that employs 25 million people worldwide. People drink nearly 500 billion cups every single year. On average, a coffee drinker will have […]

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