July 12, 2010

What is Work Ethic?

I’ve been thinking about work ethic lately and what it means to different people. When I lead workshops on combating age bias, middle-aged workers almost invariably raise the subject of work ethic. As in: We have it and younger workers don’t. And yet, I sometimes hear young managers complain about duffers who sit around waiting […]

June 14, 2010

How to Find a Job for Summer

How’s the job search going? If it’s stalled out a bit, you’re in luck – it’s summertime! Which, unfortunately, doesn’t mean that you can stop looking. But it does mean that you can take a cue from the changing seasons and change something up in your job search process. Let’s start with the schedule. Why […]

June 1, 2010

Feeling Trapped at Work

There’s nothing like awful unemployment figures to make you feel committed to your current job. Not loyal or happy, perhaps, but committed. Who would leave a job when new ones are so hard to find? The problem with this very grownup line of thinking – besides that it’s probably right – is that it can […]

April 19, 2010

Layoffs as a Strategic Tool

When I first started career counseling, 25 long years ago, layoffs were still viewed as emergency procedures, to be undertaken only under the direst of circumstances. Companies feared negative publicity for kicking people out of the workplace, not to mention the public perception that they were one step from absolute failure. My, what a difference […]

April 5, 2010

Beating Job Search Burnout

If you’ve been looking for work for a while, you might be experiencing a touch of burnout. That’s the stage where you feel exhausted, overwhelmed by the routine or lack of results, or hopeless about reaching an end. You keep trudging because you must, but the hope of achieving a goal has all but disappeared. […]

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