Airport Tour Guide Jobs
Tour guides are located at some major airports and are responsible for organizing and leading educational tours of the airport for preschool children, various educational classes, or other interested groups.

Tour guides also visit schools to give presentations on airports and conduct seminars on airport issues. The tour guide department is responsible for a lot of public relations work for the airport. FYI – if tour guide jobs are of interest to you, then be sure to visit the JobMonkey Land Tours section.
Tour guides are mainly entry-level positions, although a high school diploma, and good customer service and speaking skills are usually necessary. Guides must be comfortable speaking to small and large audiences. Most of the training is provided by the employer and through on-the-job experience. Knowledge of a foreign language is also helpful, as is a general understanding of the workings of an airport. The best way to apply is to visit an airport’s tour office if they have one. Pay ranges from minimum wage to $14 per hour.