Airline Support Jobs

For airline and airport employment opportunities, the positions most people think of are pilot, flight attendant, or airport parking attendant. But with the sophistication of today’s airplanes coupled with the increased volume of air travel, it now takes a small army of professionals to get any one plane off the ground. The airlines and airports operate as any huge corporation would. They need specialized and nonspecialized employees to fill a variety of jobs, including everything from labor relations agents to baggage handlers to meteorologists to sales representatives to receptionists. This is good news to you as a job seeker, because it means there is a wide variety of positions available, both for skilled and nonskilled workers. For this program, we have provided details on several of the “entry-level” jobs available within the industry, as well as some of the positions available down the road or for those with some experience already.

Airport Manager poses for Photo

The following section outlines some of the main flight and nonflight jobs available in the airline industry, as well as the typical airport entry-level positions. While some do require specialized training, there are many that are open to anyone with excellent customer service abilities and the desire to learn. Airline and airport support jobs are likely your best bet for breaking into the industry.

What kind of compensation can you expect as an airline or airport support employee? Airline administrative jobs usually pay an hourly wage, which varies somewhat between airlines and airport locations. But on the average, most pay on par to what would be expected at any major corporation. Airport managers make up to $125,000 a year; an air traffic controller will earn over $50,000 per year. As with in-flight positions, most airline support jobs grant better wages and perks as employees gain seniority.

As noted earlier, airlines are just like other large businesses in many respects, and hire for a large variety of positions, from marketing specialists and accountants to lawyers and computer programmers. This program concentrates on positions that are more or less unique to the air industry, but remember that even positions such as those at their corporate offices carry the same travel benefits. If you have specialized training that you think might be beneficial for the air industry, try applying with them. The perks are well worth it. Below we outline some of the positions you might want to consider.

* Some Airline content is provided by our content partner For more detailed airline and aviation employment information and detailed employer profiles visit their website. They also provide an outstanding Featured Jobs section and a place for you to post your profile and resume for airline and aviation employers to review when recruiting for open job positions.

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