Yoga Teacher Training Programs

When deciding on which yoga teacher training program you would like to enroll in, it is very helpful to examine the trainings offered by each of the major schools of yoga, as well as their requirements.


Anusara yoga teacher trainings, for example, are only open to yoga teachers who have at least 2 years experience of teaching yoga. This training also requires that teacher trainees have at least 4 years of yoga practice (2 years of which must have been spent studying Anusara yoga with a certified teacher), including taking at least 1 public class (of at least 1.5 hours) a week for 40 weeks each year. This teacher training requires you to also have a daily home practice of yoga for at least an hour a day and at least 2 years of practice with seated meditation for at least 15 minutes per day.

The training itself is 500 hours and includes workshops, trainings, private classes, assisting classes, lectures on yoga philosophy and meditation, reading scriptural texts, creating a video of yourself teaching a class and a written take home exam. The length of time it takes to complete varies amongst students.

Female yoga instructor with hands between feet


The Jivamukti teacher training also requires students to have a daily yoga practice. This training requires you to complete book reports prior to the training; it is recommended for yoga teachers and/or those who have experience with the Jivamukti method.

This teacher training takes place over 4 weeks and includes instruction in the techniques of Jivamukti yoga and classes covering the Sanskrit alphabet, yoga teaching methodology, anatomy, philosophy and pranayama. Daily homework assignments and a final written exam are part of the training.


Bikram yoga teacher training requires students to have at least six months of continuous Bikram yoga practice and a teacher recommendation; you have to be accepted into it by an application.

This training spans 2.5 months. It covers anatomy, yoga postures, therapeutic applications, nutrition, yoga philosophy and the Bikram yoga dialogue.


Bryan Kest’s power yoga teacher training is three weeks. There are no special requirements to take it and the training focuses exclusively on the physical aspects of yoga postures and meditation.


Forrest yoga teacher training is one month long. It does not have any special requirements and includes morning chanting and meditation, daily yoga classes and a unique emphasis on healing from various forms of trauma through journaling, doing breathing exercises and yoga poses.


Integral yoga teacher training is another month long program that requires at least six months of consistent yoga practice. This training involves education in yoga poses, breathing exercises, philosophy, diet, anatomy and teaching special populations.


Iyengar yoga teacher training lasts at least 2 years and requires that trainees be Iyengar students for at least 3 years, attend at least 3 yoga classes a week and have a daily practice. This teacher training, like Bikram yoga, requires a teacher recommendation.

This training involves developing the teacher’s personal practice, gaining clarity in providing directions, learning how to make subtle adjustments including props and understanding different student problems.


Kripalu yoga teacher training is a one month intensive that does not have any particular requirements and involves only the physical aspects of yoga, including the postures, anatomy, breathing exercises and meditation.


Kundalini yoga teacher training is also a one month program with no requirements for prospective trainees. The program involves learning how to teach Kundalini yoga postures, kriyas (cleansing practices) and meditation. This course includes education about yoga philosophy and the history of yoga.


Restorative yoga teacher training, as taught by Judith Hanson Lasater involves just 20 hours of instruction over a course of 5 days. This yoga teacher training is strictly physical and covers the anatomy involved with practicing yoga postures.


Sivananda yoga teacher training is one of the first modern yoga teacher training programs. It is has no special requirements, is one month long and involves learning not only about the physical aspects of yoga, but also chanting, meditation, philosophy, anatomy and yogic service.


Viniyoga teacher training involves four 2-week training sessions. No particular requirements exist for students, who will learn the physical aspects of yoga along with meditation, chanting, philosophy and an introduction to yoga therapy.

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