Permits and Visas in Slovakia

Compared to the Czechs, the Slovaks seem much more suspicious of foreigners (Americans included) in their country.

Here are Some Resources for Getting a Visa in Slovakia

Part of the problem is the comparative instability of the Slovak government. The Slovaks have not managed to match the economic and political successes of the Czechs. Successive political leaders have been ineffective in converting Slovakia to a stable market economy. A whole host of problems created during the years of Socialist repression, combined with a more gradual approach to economic reform, makes for both confusion and uncertainty. The Slovaks also seem to feel that they have been ignored by the governments of the West in comparison to the Czechs. Needless to say, all of this makes Slovakia a somewhat less-attractive destination for North Americans who want to live and work in Eastern Europe.

United States citizens do not need a visa to enter Slovakia. As in the Czech Republic, work permits and residency permits are required by the local authorities for those who want to stay and work and must be obtained via an employer. Canadian citizens must obtain a visa to enter the Republic of Slovakia (at last check, $55 CDN).

An application for a Long Term Stay Permit is formally required for anyone who intends to work or study in the Slovak Republic. The application (in Slovak) must be accompanied by a preliminary job agreement, notification of acceptance for study or training, legal copy of entry into the commercial register, or legal documentation of a company’s origination.

Also required are a document stating the source of your income and a document that verifies accommodation (a lease or rental agreement). More specific information on applying for work and residency permits can be obtained from the Slovak Embassy.

Once again, it is not uncommon for American expats to work without ever getting work papers. It is, however, becoming increasingly difficult. Stories circulate about unfriendly and even outright wicked bureaucrats who decide whether or not to issue permits based on their particular mood at the time, rather than according to the laws. There has also been talk of requiring foreigners to take AIDS and other medical tests before they are eligible for residency status.


    United States

    Embassy of the Slovak Republic
    2201 Wisconsin Avenue NW, Suite 380
    Washington, DC 20007
    Phone: (202) 965-5164


    Embassy of the Slovak Republic
    50 Rideau Terrace
    Ottawa, ON K1N ZA1
    Phone: (613) 749-4442


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