The Summer Camp Season
Summer camp jobs are typically seasonal, meaning that you’ll only be employed for a few months – usually during June, July, and August. When you’re looking for camp jobs, make sure you find out the exact dates of when your services will be needed. College and high school applicants may find that a particular summer camp’s schedule conflicts with the end or start of school.
These are great summer jobs for college students around the world. In some ways, students taking classes in a semester system have an advantage because they get out by mid-May. Most summer camps wrap up their sessions by mid-August, which works great for students who must be back in class by late-August. Colleges on a quarter system usually get out for summer in mid-June and start back in mid- to late-September. Since so many camps struggle to fill jobs they find ways to work with people’s schedules.
Camp jobs also do not allow for much time off. If you have special events planned over the summer, make sure they fall when the summer camp is on recess or you may not be able to attend. In some cases, days off are available, but because the camping staff will probably be relatively small, there will not be a lot of extra people to pick up the work if you’re gone for the day.