Department of Homeland Security Jobs

The official mission of the relatively young Department of Homeland Security is:
“We will lead the unified national effort to secure America.

Homeland Security is Another Popular Sector in the U.S. Governement

We will prevent and deter terrorist attacks and protect against and respond to threats and hazards to the nation. We will ensure safe and secure borders, welcome lawful immigrants and visitors, and promote the free-flow of commerce.”

Within the umbrella of DHS, there are positions within the Department itself, and also within other related organizations. Below are the departments within DHS itself:

  • Office of the Secretary: supports the overall DHS mission
  • Directorate for National Protection and Programs: the risk-reduction specialists
  • Directorate for Management: Human Resources, IT, budgeting and procurement-these are the people who make sure everything is in place so that DHS can be effective
  • Directorate for Science and Technology (S&T): research and development of the tools protection officials need
  • Office of Intelligence and Analysis: compiling and analyzing information
  • Office of Inspector General: detection and prevention of fraud, waste and abuse
  • Office of Policy: policy formulation
  • Office of Health Affairs: coordinates all medical activities of the DHS
  • Office of Operations Coordination and Planning: coordinates activities with DHS with law enforcement partners across all 50 states
  • Federal Law Enforcement Training Center: trains law enforcement professionals
  • Domestic Nuclear Detection Office: works to enhance nuclear detection for many departments in the country
  • United States Coast Guard: protects maritime economy and environment

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