Government Jobs

Introduction to Federal Employment

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), more than 2.8 million civilians have government jobs. That number does not count the Post Office, or military working for the government, or the huge sector of the industry supported by government contractors.

With those numbers, the Federal government is the nation’s largest employer. And not all those jobs are located in Washington, D.C., either. In fact, the BLS reports that 90 percent of all jobs with the Federal government are located outside of nation’s capital.

Government Building with US Flag Photo

One aspect of government jobs that has attracted so many applicants over the years is the idea of stability. People have the perception that once you land a job with the government, you can expect to be free from some of the continual anxiety that workers in the private sector experience due to layoffs, reorganizations, and offshoring. In addition to the perceived stability, the compensation and benefit packages are also compelling, and many people enjoy the concept of working for their country.

Market pressures have affected all industries, and the federal government has not been immune to budget cuts from time to time. Also, people who work directly for the government might receive lower wages than those who perform a similar function in the private sector. In addition, many jobs have migrated away from direct government staff jobs and over to private contractors supporting the government. Pension plans have changed, and from time to time, a change in the dominant party in Congress can have a huge impact on agency funding and staffing.

All things considered, the government is still one of the most stable industries around, and with jobs located all over the country in every imaginable arena, opportunities to work for your country abound.

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Are Government Jobs Right for You?

If you want to test the waters of government employment without committing for the long-term, consider doing a temporary assignment, summer job, or volunteer opportunity. Clearly, these positions aren’t right for everyone. They are best-suited for people who are new to the workforce and looking to gather a little more experience and figure out what’s right for them. You can find these opportunities in the same place where you would find a paying government job: or the individual agency’s website. Plus, search government job listings on JobMonkey (of course!).

The U.S. Government Encompasses a Broad Range of Industries Photo Button

Government Jobs Overview

The U.S. Government encompasses many industries. These links will help you get started in your search.

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Central Intelligence Agency Jobs

The CIA has a wide range of positions to fill. Follow the links below to see if you qualify.

Citizenship is a Point of Pride for Many Americans Photo Button

Citizenship Focused Jobs

Citizenship is a point of pride for many Americans. These links can help you get involved in various ways.

State Based Government Jobs can be a Great Stepping Stone to Something Bigger Photo Button

State Based Jobs

National Government Jobs are Where the High Rollers Make Impactful Choices Photo Button

National Government Jobs

The National Government is an influential sector of the U.S. Follow these links to see if you have what it takes.

Here are Some More Important Links Which will Prove Useful Photo Button

More Government Links

These links will help you become a more rounded applicant and increase your knowledge on diverse government jobs.

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