School Accreditation
A word of caution. If you think you’d like to go to a specialty school so you can obtain a clearer perspective on the film or music industry, yet, plan on continuing a formal education, make sure you examine the institution first.
While you may chalk up the credit hours at your production school, many of them may not be transferable to your next traditional college institution.
Typically, these schools can be quite expensive. If you are going to drop a small fortune, be aware that your degree may have a limited application. Don’t expect to carry you’re Associates Degree right into your Bachelors and finish in 2 years. Your best bet is to inquire with your future traditional college about your intent to see what credits will transfer just so that you know what you are up against. TIP – Have you looked into getting an Associate’s Degree online through a distance learning program? It’s becoming quite popular.
Also, schools typically go by accreditation. Some are local, regional, and privately accredited. While historically, this used to be a reflection of legitimacy and a “stamp of approval,” now there are so many schools and so many accreditations, it is next to impossible to figure out which ones matter. You do not want to find out the hard way after you attend the school. Depending on which profession is your major area of study, they may have specific guidelines for obtaining a position.