Jobs with C3 Presents
C3 Presents is perhaps best known for producing the live music festivals Austin City Limits and Lollapalooza.
C3 Presents also markets, promotes and produces over 800 live concerts annually in the United States in addition to working directly with artists to develop concert tours and dates. The company is owned by Charlie Walker, Charlie Jones and Charles Attal who formed when Walker left Live Nation to partner with the preexisting Charles Attal Presents and the music division of Capital Sports and Entertainment. Although C3 Presents is no longer affiliated with Live Nation they produce concerts at both House of Blues Dallas and House of Blues Houston.
For more information on C3 Presents, see the company webpage.
Working for C3 Presents will most likely land you in Austin, Texas or Chicago, Illinois where the company is based or in nearby venues where concerts are held. Although C3 Presents does a lot of work on site for various concerts, the company is smaller then its competitor, Live Nation and as a result has less office staff and affiliated venues. Working for C3 Presents is an excellent opportunity to gain events jobs experience whether it be from an administrative role or from a more hands-on position such as putting together concert sets and working in concert venues. Working for C3 Presents would be a good work opportunity for someone who wants to work full time in the concert and live events industry.
Jobs found at C3 Presents include Concert Management, Stage Work, Talent Buyers, Marketing Public Relations Executives, Director of Sales, Account Executives, Sponsorship Coordinator, Web Developers, Venue Operators, Managers and Parking Attendants. Also are Retail and Merchandise Sales and even Cocktail Servers and Wait Staff for venues.
To apply for a job at C3 Presents, you should complete the online application and upload your resume and cover letter. The site does not list currently available jobs but will contact all suitable applicants when positions become available. Currently working for C3 Presents are just under 200 employees.
C3 Presents also offers excellent Internship opportunities in both Austin and Chicago. Internships are a great way to gain music industry and events jobs experience. Interns for C3 Presents will work directly with music industry professionals to promote and produce live events in addition to working with volunteers and venue operators.