Fishing Jobs in Alaska
Alaska’s commercial fishing industry is famous for producing much of the world’s best seafood. The fish and crab don’t get to market all by themselves! It takes an army of workers to catch and process all that seafood! From fishing boat deckhands to offshore and land-based seafood processors, employers require all kinds of people to fill the large number of jobs.

A high percentage of deckhands and processing plant workers are hired on a seasonal basis. For ages, college students have gone to Alaska for summer jobs – they pay well, often include room and board, and definitely adventure. But there are also year-round positions and other short-term jobs during winter, spring, and fall. Get the entire scoop right here on JobMonkey! Learn about the industry, then search the job listings for new opportunities.

Fishing Boat Jobs
Deckhands in Alaska can earn thousands in just a few short months. Learn about fishing boat crew positions, how they get paid, and where to find jobs.

Onshore Processing Jobs
It’s the ultimate summer job: processing salmon in Alaska. These jobs pay a set wage, plus overtime, and offer other benefits such as room and board.

King Crabbing Jobs
Few people have what it takes to work on a crabbing boat in Alaska. JobMonkey explains what the work entails, how much you could earn, and ways to get hired..
Alaska Salmon Fishing Jobs
If you are looking for summer work or to break into the Alaska fishing industry as a deckhand, the Alaska salmon fisheries are a good place to look.
Alaska's Major Fisheries
Alaska has a lot of different fisheries, but the majority of the jobs are associated with the following five fisheries:
Top Alaska Seafood Employers
Hiring for Alaska seafood jobs is conducted all year. Some employers are better than others. JobMonkey profiles some of the industry’s top companies!